Élaboration d'un questionnaire d'identification des femmes violentées en milieu conjugal


  • Colette Gendron


The Development of a Questionnaire to Identify Women as Victims of Their Male Partner's Violence The purpose of this article is to present a questionnaire that permits the identification of women victims of their male partner's violence. Four indicators inspired by Orem's theory (1985) of nursing care were utilized to elaborate the different items in this research instrument: self-esteem, autonomy, social interaction and prevention of life hazards. The content validation process involved presenting 178 items for validation to 20 expert female judges. Then, the predictive value of 106 out of these items was tested with two comparable groups of women: one group of 81 women victims of family violence and another of 203 women identified as having never been victims. T-tests (p<.05) were calculated on each of these 106 items, but finally it was the difference between the averages obtained by the t-tests that was used as the criterion of. selection. Correlations item-total and correlations inter-item were run on the 49 items remaining, and this procedure brought to 30 the number of items retained for the questionnaire. Finally, factorial analysis showed that the degree of variance explained by the four indicators is about 18%, and that these indicators constituted many different facets of the same construct.




