Happenings - History of Nursing in British Columbia Captured on Tape


  • Sheila J. Rankin Zerr


The Oral History Committee (1992) is a permanent subcommittee of the British Columbia (B.C.) History of Nursing Professional Practice Group of the Registered Nurses Association of B.C. (RNABC). The project was established in 1981 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the RNABC. The goal was to capture past and present stories and activities of nurses of the province, and to document the development of nursing as we know it today. We have a rich heritage to explore and one of the methods chosen for recording our heritage was through the medium of the tape recorder. Under the direction of Mary Nicol, a group of volunteers was trained in oral interview techniques. The original group completed 140 interviews. These audiotaped histories are on file and available through the RNABC library. Since the completion of the original anniversary project in 1988, the on-going committee of the B.C. History Group has added another ten audio-taped histories to the collection. The tapes are now accessible through RNABC_s computerized library catalogue (Andrews, 1992). Computerized access allows members to search specific historical topics in the audiotape collection and to retrieve those items along with related print materials out of the library's book collection.






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