A Survey of Web-Based Health Human Resource Planning Activities in Canada


  • Gail Tomblin Murphy
  • Debra Barrath


Health Human Resource Planning (HHRP) has become a priority for Canadian researchers, policy-makers, and decision-makers. As social, economic, and technological developments propel health care into the information age, Web-based access to HHRP-related information is rapidly assuming greater significance. Convenient access to HHRP-related information is important for current and future HHRP and will continue to be a priority as the area develops and responds to new challenges. This paper identifies Web-based resources of interest to the HHRP community. It provides an overview of key Canadian HHRP activities, with a focus on nursing human resource planning. Policy institutes, research units, governments and government agencies, professional associations and unions, think tanks, universities, and not-for-profit organizations release a number of reports that are seldom integrated into conventional literature vehicles (such as journals or bibliographic databases). The Web sites of these organizations frequently provide access to this unpublished or "grey" literature. Grey literature is defined by the US Interagency Gray Literature Working Group as "open source material that usually is available through specialized channels and may not enter normal channels or systems of publication, distribution, bibliographic control, or acquisition by booksellers or subscription agents" (Soule & Ryan, 1995). It includes academic papers, scientific protocols, white papers, preprints, committee reports, proceedings, conference papers, research reports, standards, discussion papers, technical reports, dissertations, theses, government






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