The Delphi Technique as a Method for Selecting Criteria to Evaluate Nursing Care


  • Patricia Farrell
  • Kathleen Scherer


The identification of valid and reliable indicators of quality nursing care has been recognized as a priority for nursing research (Lindeman, 1975). In Canada, over the past decade, the response to this recognition has been the development of nursing standards (Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses, 1977; Chagnon, 1977; Alberta Association of Registered Nurses, 1981; College of Nurses of Ontario, 1976; Canadian Nurses Association, 1980). As nurses operationalize the construct "quality nursing care," they are confronted with two tasks. The first task involves the description of the indicators of quality nursing care. The establishment of content validity of indicators has been lacking in the literature. Once the indicators have been described, the second task is their qualification. To date, most projects have focused on the first task. A common approach in these projects has been the selection of a small panel of clinical experts, which has been used to identify or to establish the face validity of the descriptors of quality care.






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