Criterion-related Validity of the Active Listening Component of the Behavioural Test of Interpersonal Skills


  • Joanne K. Olson
  • Carroll L. Iwasiw
  • Brian A. Gerrard


Active listening is a major component of therapeutic communication with clients. Although active listening has received much attention in many disciplines, valid and reliable tools to measure a health professional's active listening skills are lacking. The absence of behavioural measures of empathy limits research in this important dimension of clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to extend the validity testing of the active listening component of the Behavioral Test of Interpersonal Skills (BTIS), a test of communication skills (Gerrard & Buzzell, 1980). Specifically, it was criterion-related validity that was assessed. Validation of this aspect of the BTIS was critical because active listening has been identified as one of the most essential aspects of therapeutic communication.






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