A Profile Of Part-time Faculty in Canadian University Nursing Programmes


  • Doreen Westera


Part-time workers in Canada are predominantly women. In 1988, 70% of part-time workers and 43% of all workers in Canada were female (Statistics Canada, 1988). Within Canadian university environments women are more likely than men to become and remain part-time academics (Lundy & Warme, 1990). To date, few Canadian studies have evaluated the status of faculty members. Ahmed (1989) reported on a McMaster University survey of the part-time faculty there. He also refers to two studies in his article, conducted in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Lundy and Warme (1990) reported on studies of part-time faculty at York University in 1983 and again in 1988. The author knows of no study which focused solely on female part-time academics. A significant proportion of faculty members in Canadian university nursing programmes are part-time, and the majority are employed on a permanent or occasional basis (CAUSN Faculty Profile, 1987). It would seem reasonable to expect the employment of part-time faculty to continue, and perhaps increase, as university nursing programmes face fiscal restraints and women increasingly seek work arrangements that are more conducive to combining family and career.






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