CJNR's First "Reviewer of the Year": Dr. Judith Wuest for the Year 2000


  • Anita J. Gagnon


As CJNR readers well know, the Journal relies heavily on reviewers to maintain excellence in what is printed within its pages. In the June 2000 issue, I described the publication process, including the various forms of reviewer support implemented since the beginning of my tenure as Associate Editor (Gagnon, 2000). Included was a description of the process of carrying out a performance evaluation of each reviewer and sharing all evaluations with the reviewers on an annual basis. This global "review of reviewers" also provides the editorial board with a structured opportunity to see the strength of our pool of reviewers in supporting the Journal's mission. Given the number of excellent reviews identified, we have decided to highlight one excellent reviewer per year as a way of honouring the work of all. The first recipient of this honour is Dr. Judith Wuest, for her outstanding contributions as a reviewer during the year 2000.






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