A Comparison of Blood Pressure Readings Taken Simultaneously by Faculty and Students


  • Sheila M. Creegan


IN THE clinical setting, judgment-al decisions based upon collected physiological and psychological data cannot be expected to be better than the accuracy of these data."1 This study concerns the accuracy of blood pressure readings taken by students in the second year of a four-year generic nursing program when compared to simultaneous readings made by a member of the school faculty. The problem for this study was, therefore, how do blood pressure readings taken simultaneously by a student and her instructor compare. Gunn, Sullivan and Glor reported no significant differences between observer recordings of simultaneous blood pressure readings using either simultaneous anticubital or brachial procedures.2 They, however, stated that "Because these studies used only two observers, the findings are merely suggestive and should be confirmed using multiple observers."3 In a study designed to test inter-observer reliability of blood pressure readings Glor, Sullivan and Estes found that there was no significant difference in either the systolic or diastolic measurements recorded by registered nurses, non-professional nursing attendants and student nurses.4






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