The Development of Clinical Nursing Situations on Videotape for Use Via Closed-Circuit TV in the Teaching of Nursing


  • Moyra Allen


We elected originally in this research project to develop videotapes depicting clinical situations in nursing and to assess their effectiveness in the teaching of nursing. To accomplish these ends we chose to film on videotape the everyday, real-life situations that persons and their families experience in various parts of our health delivery system. We focused on the recipient, - professionals and others were incidental and were taped as they entered and participated within the situation we were taping. We taped persons and their families in hospital, clinic and home; at critical points and throughout their illnesses; of differing ages - the infant to the aged; and, in addition, persons in contact with various professionals. We have discovered within our videotapes a means to revolutionize the system of nursing education. Before, nurses in the teaching situation have rarely had the opportunity to examine a nursing situation as it occurs and develops; to study the whole situation of a patient and his family through the various phases of his health problem within the short time period of a videotape; to re-experience and re-examine a situation over and over again, to pick up cues and observations which one becomes aware of through recurrent experiences with the same situation. One does not have the opportunity in real life to view a situation a second time, to validate one's impressions or to reject them. In fact, our videotapes provide the same opportunity as the "replays" in televised hockey, a greatly enhanced and expanded opportunity for learning; but in the case of nursing, of highly complex situations. Students must learn how to learn from real-life situations on videotape. It has been our experience that in






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