Curriculum of the Basic Baccalaureate Degree Program at Dalhousie - Mount Saint Vincent


  • Hattie Shea
  • Margaret Muise


The curriculum of the baccalaureate program in Nursing at Dalhousie University was instituted in 1968 and was modeled after the curriculum of the University of California at San Francisco (1). An intensive review of the curriculum was done in 1974-75. This review indicated that many adaptations have been made between 1968-1975. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the curriculum in operation during the 1975-76 academic year. The curriculum is an integrated one built around four major concepts: Man, Health-Illness Continuum, Society, and Nursing _ Practice and Process. Each of these concepts is emphasized in every year of the program, and appropriate sub-concepts are introduced to provide breadth and depth to the content.




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