The U.B.C. Model for Nursing: Direction for Curriculum Development


  • Margaret A. Campbell


This paper is devoted to a description of how the U.B.C. Model for Nursing has been made operational in the curriculum of the baccalaureate programme. As suggested in the preceding article, the model permits a study of man and the way in which nursing assists him to satisfy his basic human needs during critical periods of his life cycle, that is, matura-tional stages and unpredictable events. It is these two kinds of critical periods which form the organizing centres for the curriculum. While the curriculum objectives serve as the guideposts to the selection of content, the structure and function of the nine subsystems give direction for a more precise selection of content. For example, to be able to assess clients, select appropriate intervention modes and manipulate certain forces, students require a base in both the biological and behavioural sciences. They must also have opportunities to learn how to help clients develop and use new coping behaviours and how to reinforce suitable coping behaviours through the use of such media as teaching, therapeutic groups, therapeutic use of self and crisis intervention. Thus the model gives direction for the development of that part of the curriculum which prepares the student for the unique function of nursing. In addition, the requisite learnings related to the shared and delegated tasks are provided. A brief outline of the curriculum as it is planned for each year of the programme will serve to explicate how the model has been made operational.






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