A Comparison of Two Types of Learning Experience in a Second Year Nursing Course


  • Cathryn Glanville
  • Eva Feldman
  • Delores Katada


Nursing educators_ interest in improving education has generated some innovative attempts in planning and implementing instructional methods in schools of nursing. Concerns about instructional strategies should remain central to curriculum development, implementation, and/or change. These concerns are directed toward what instructional methods to use, when to use them and how effective and efficient they are in the teaching-learning process. The first two aspects (what and when) might not be hard to pursue because there are a number of resources available for educators to review and utilize. In nursing education, however, evaluation of instructional methods as to effectiveness and efficiency is at a beginning level. In most schools of nursing the evaluation process has been traditional in that it has emphasized the products of learning rather than the process of learning. The focus has been on how much students have learned as determined by their scores on appropriate paper-pencil tests






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