Deviance and Education for Leadership


  • Lettie Turner


Direction is the primal tension of a human soul which moves it to choose and realize this and no other out of the infinity of possibilities The man of direction does not possess the world yet stands in its love; for he realizes all being in its reality. He knows no security, yet he is never unsure; for he possesses steadfastly that before which all security appears vain and empty : direction and meaning. (Buber, 1964, pp. 56 and 94). Confronted with profound change, nursing must look within its ranks for direction and meaning and choose its pathway out of the innumerable possibilities. Nursing is in need of a movement forward and a reinvigoration of its caring, independent role. This venture will entail risk-taking for the pace-setters, or innovators, who will need to deal with change as a continuous process, having a will to change purposefully and the reality to respond to the immediacy of need. Nurse educators have always been aware of the discrepancies between the approach to care and nursing intervention as fostered within students, and the type and quality of care which graduate practitioners are in a position to provide.






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