Family Health as a Perspective in Assisting a Family to Cope With Hospitalization


  • Florence Mackenzie


In describing approaches to an expanded nursing role, a model of nursing is delineated which may be termed "situation-responsive" and complemental to the services of other health professionals. This model is in contrast to the more traditional "a priori" model of nursing where nursing services are seen as "replacement of_ or "assistant to" other health professionals (Allen, 1977). The dimensions of the model are as follows. As nurses work with families, emphasis is placed on the health aspect which is determined by how the family copes with the situation and how it is used in their development. The situation or problem is seen as an open system which alters over time. In assessing the situation the nurse draws information from family members and gathers related data from a variety of other resources. She identifies and employs the strengths in the situation as a groundwork for a plan of action. The implementation of the plan is geared to the best fit that can be achieved between the plan of action and the family situation. Finally the nurse notes the responses of the individual and family and tailors the plan for future action.






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