Institutional Collaboration in Extending Professional Educational Opportunities for Nurses


  • Roberta Carey
  • Geoff Peruniak
  • Edward Burnett
  • Margaret L. Bradley
  • Margaret D. McLean


INTRODUCTION Baccalaureate education is widely recognized as being desirable for an increased number of practising nurses. The Alberta Association of Registered Nurses has been on record for many years as supporting university level preparation for nurses. There are a number of approaches available to educational institutions so that they may open their doors to more students. One is to increase the enrolment in the basic baccalaureate program, a step under consideration by the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta. But what about the many nurses with R.N. diplomas practising in the field? How can we assist them to obtain a B.Sc.N. degree? Post-R.N. degree programs are now available at three Alberta universities: Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge. Provisions are also made in other provinces in Canada to integrate the R.N. in the baccalaureate program (Canadian Nurse, 1980). However, these programs generally require the student to attend university for at least two years, a block of time available to only a small percentage of the R.N. population. In addition, the R.N., as an adult learner, possesses unique characteristics that must be taken into consideration by the institution offering the up-grading (Cross, 1981). For example, the mature nurse-student at the University of Alberta will be a woman, on the average 33 years old, married with a number of family responsibilities. Given today's economic conditions, she is also frequently working and her income is a necessary contribution to her family or to her personal support. University attendance entails a loss of essential income. Because the programs are centered in major cities, a move is often required, causing a major disruption in the student's life and that of her family. Also, she may be in a particular career position which she is loathe to sacrifice.






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