Issues In Coping Research


  • L. Joan Brailey


Study of the patterning of human behaviour in interaction with the environment has been identified as a major theme for nursing research (Donaldson & Crowley, 1978). The processes of coping with the stresses of everyday living form an important part of this patterning yet to date little research has been conducted in this area. The need for careful study of the nature and substance of people's coping repertoires in everyday life situations and the relative effectiveness of different ways of coping has been repeatedly cited (Folkman & Lazarus, 1980; Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer, & Lazarus, 1981; Mechanic, 1974; Pearlin & Schooler, 1978). Such investigations are needed to provide information about effective strategies for avoiding or reducing stress in order to assist people to attain or maintain high levels of wellness. Although coping with illness is also an important area of nursing study it will not be addressed in this paper. During the planning of an investigation of the coping strategies used by mothers of preschool children in stressful events in their daily lives, many difficult research issues related to the study of coping efficacy became apparent. This paper will consider three research issues in relation specifically to studying effectiveness of coping strategies used in everyday life situations. Firstly, in order to study effectiveness of coping, we must be able to obtain an accurate picture of how people actually do cope with stressful events or situations in their daily lives. Four methods of data-collection will be described and weaknesses of each noted. Secondly, in order to determine effectiveness of coping, researchers and theorists must be able to delineate clearly the functions of coping. We cannot determine whether strategies are effective or not unless we are able to state the goals or purposes of coping efforts. Finally, once we have a clear idea of the functions of coping and valid data regarding coping strategies usually used, researchers must decide on ways to measure the efficacy of strategies used in fulfilling the stated functions. Each of these issues will be addressed in turn.






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