Evaluation of Family Functioning: Development and Validation of a Scale Which Measures Family Competence in Matters of Health (EFF)


  • Mary Reidy
  • Marie-France Thibaudeau


The Evaluation of Family Functioning Scale (EFF) is a measure of family functioning in relation to health matters. It was developed primarily to help the community nurse assess the families whom she serves. While the authors were inspired in large part by the Family Coping Index (Freeman & Lowe, 1962), the actual EFF was developed, validated and used in a research project (Thibaudeau, Reidy, D'Amours, & Frappier, 1983) with disadvantaged families in order to make a diagnosis of the functioning of the family, and to plan nursing care. It was used regularly over time to measure change globally and with respect to certain health care functions . Definition of Terms The word health, as it is used here, has a broad meaning. It refers to physical, psychological and social well-being, the absence of illness, the appropriate utilization of health and welfare resources, the salubrity of the environment, and the practice of health behaviours relating to the prevention of illness and accidents, solution of health problems, the meeting of basic health needs (rest, etc.). The concept of health also includes the capacity to cope with the constant exigencies and crises of life and the ability to move toward self-actualization in a useful social role.






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