Video - A Teaching Strategy for Learning Group Process


  • Beverly Anderson
  • Nina Hrycak


Group theory and practice are now an integral part of both diploma and university undergraduate programs (Anderson, Etzel, Kjervik & MacCarthy, 1977; Turner, 1976). As well, they are being instituted in graduate nursing programs (Hannon, 1980). Practice sessions with peers interacting in a group provide a safe environment of experiential learning for students. Feedback generally comes from the personal reactions of other students following group work, as well as from faculty observations on the group process. In addition, videotaping provides immediate feedback for evaluating the group process (Valentine & Saito, 1980). The use of audio visual equipment in schools of nursing is steadily increasing. Yet, there is little definitive research in nursing to investigate whether or not this technology is at all effective. Townsend (1979) states that, "The use of A.V. media in nursing is marred by misconception about the nature of the medium and its place in the learning process. There is a lot more to using electronic aids than simply switching them on.... Present day usage seems to be in spite rather than because of published evidence, which in any case only seems able to provide the broadest of generalizations" (p. 185, 186).






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