Academic Advising in a University School of Nursing: Problems And Solutions


  • Margaret M. Arklie
  • Suzanne Caty


Academic advising is considered an integral part of a student's university life. A major goal of academiic advising is to give students advice regarding such matters as programme requirements, course selection, academic regulations, and career counselling. Furthermore, students often seek academic advice that will improve their individual learning styles and satisfy their needs. Today students are entering nursing programmes with a greater variety of educational preparation and work related experience. This not only makes academic advising more complex, but makes it even more essential. Our School of Nursing responded to this need by establishing an academic advising system in the mid-1970s. It was felt that this system would provide consistency in giving information about academic matters to students. From the onset, all faculty were involved in academic advising and counselled students from either the Basic or Post RN Baccalaureate Programme. As student numbers increased and faculty were obliged to advise both groups of students, faculty members needed to be well informed about the academic requirements of both programmes. Over the years, each faculty member was responsible for giving academic advice to fifteen to twenty students.






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