Sources of Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Baccalaureate Staff Nurses in Hospitals


  • Beth J. Sleightholm Cairns
  • Catherine E. Cragg


What are the sources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among baccalaureate nurses who are working as general duty staff in hospitals? As nursing moves toward its goal of baccalaureate preparation for entry to practice, increasing numbers of nurses with degrees will be hired by hospitals, the largest source of nursing jobs. At present, nurses with degrees are proportionately under-represented in the ranks of general duty nurses. With greater numbers of baccalaureate nurses in the workforce, the nursing job options away from the bedside will be more limited. Job satisfactions and dissatisfactions among general duty baccalaureate nurses must be identified in order to promote a work environment that encourages them to stay. Otherwise, hospitals run the risk of wasting human resources through discontented employees and flight from the profession.






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